Recreational Program
Seekonk Youth Soccer’s Recreational program policy on refunds of registration fee and uniform fees are as follows:
All refund requests must be in writing to the registrar (email is considered a written request) to withdraw a player from the program one month prior to the start of the season. The request must include the parent(s) name, name(s) and age(s) of the child(ren) enrolled, mailing address to direct the refund, and the reason for the request.
Any refund granted under this policy will have a $20 administrative fee deducted from the original amount requested for refund. This fee is to help offset costs that have been incurred by Seekonk Youth Soccer to that point (insurance, processing fees, registration fee with the league, etc.).
Refunds will not be given for requests that are less than one month from the start of the program.
Refunds are not given for cancellations due to inclement weather.
Refunds will be issued 4 weeks after the written request is processed.
Late fees are NOT refundable.
Uniform fees are NOT refundable.
Seekonk Youth Soccer’s executive board shall vote to approve any exception to the above refund policy.
Exceptions may be made for medical issues or injuries that occur during the season
Black Goose Travel Program
Seekonk Black Goose travel team regisrants will receive a refund of 50% of the paid registration fee prior to any games. No refunds will be given after the first game of the season.
Refunds will be issued 4 weeks after the written request has been processed.
Uniform fees are NOT refundable.
Seekonk Youth Soccer’s executive board shall vote to approve any exception to the above refund policy.
Exceptions may be made for medical issues or injuries that occur during the season